Saturday, August 14, 2010






Saturday, January 16, 2010


昨天看到新闻,说中国的商务部回应关于Google要撤出中国的消息,很见功夫,也是很一惯的非常中国式。 。商务部说,Google 是否退出中国,都不影响经贸大局,并再次强调任何在中国运作的外国公司必须“遵守国际规范,尊重东道国的法律法规,尊重公共利益和文化传统,并承担相应的责任”。说得好,不愧是共产党官僚的部门。


东道国最大的法律 /宪法/第三十五条说, 中华人民共和国公民有言论、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威的自由。这个权利到底我们有没有,去中国大陆问一下普通人(被洗脑洗上瘾的除外),根椐我在中国二十多年的生活经历来看,这个权利是没有的,要是有的话,刘晓波不会被拿下(出版自由?),天安门前不会血流成河(集会游行示威自由?),我在新浪上写的东西不会被删掉(言论自由?)。但是在一个自从建国二百多年以来宪法就没有做过重大修改过的国家的人来看,这是不太对劲的,因为法律就应该是用来服从的。而对于这种法律与现实不相符的现象对于中国人民来说是习以为常的,君不见,我们建国才六十年,对宪法做了五次重大修改,还美其名,与时俱进。对于何为中国有效的法律,商务部很有必要给个定义。

至于公共利益,我倒是认为让普通人享有普遍的自由应该是一种公共利益。而事实是,中国政府在混淆视听方面的确功力非凡。在2006年当google进入中国之前,有三类信息被中国政府一再强调必须屏蔽,1,1989天安门事件的照片视频以及相关评论。2,外国关于达赖和西藏的报道。3,法轮功。在被政府几十年如一日的洗脑后,我们可能会认为公开这些信息会损害公共利益,但是我说,不会,而且,即便会,当政府要求Google屏蔽的时候也不再会了。所谓公共利益应该是公共,大众,普通人所关心的有切身利益的事,不用去探查这三类信息是否有关公共利益,我们只说当政府封锁掉这些信息的时候,当普通人无从得知事情真相或甚至根本不再理会这类信息的时候,这些信息怎么还能认为是有关公共利益的呢,那么即然如此政府为什么要屏蔽呢?事实是,中国政府一直在把一些概念混淆,这些,特别是天安门事件,根本就不存在公共利益的问题,存在的是执政党的利益罢了。公开天安门事件的照片会让普通大众受损害吗?不会,这不是UFO,公开不会引来恐慌,但是政府本来就不好的名声会受到危害。这就是事实。10/06/2009的BBC提到,“On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen killings, social networking sites such as Twitter and the photo-sharing site Flickr were blocked in China in an attempt by the government to prevent online discussion on the subject”. 需要明确的是,公共利益不等同于政党利益,而严格的说,政党利益应该低于公共利益,这才是为人民服务的核心。



Thursday, January 14, 2010

China gives first response to Google threat

China has given its first response to the issue of google may pull out of China, At a regular foreign ministry news briefing, spokesman said: "China like other countries administers the internet according to law. ... ... China's internet is open, and the Chinese government encourages development of the internet." In this brief, the spokesman gave three points, firstly, any country controls the internet, secondly, the chinese government is willing to see the development of the internet, thirdly, the internet is open in China. The first two points may be true (not 100%), the third is definitely not.

Let's analyse the lie.

When the first point is concerned, it is true that every country has some types of "administer", however, it is not "control". despite of those China-like countries, in most countries, an adult can browse any webpage existing in the www that most others can, there are of course certain webpages are prohabited by most countries such like child porn, which is in fact, as I know the only web content that prohabited by most countries. And also most governments would not normally interference what an individul says in the internet, unless and until he would cause serious disorder and danger to the pubilc and/or, according to the law, national security, which is not very often.

Let see what Chinese government is doing. It holds the flag of "administer the indecent website and clean up the internet", people were told such action is for the public interests, meanwhile those brain-washed website post massive information to validfy its legitimation, such like the other countries (US and EU countries mostly) would do the same as chinese government does, however, the truth is US and EU countries would never be so strict so people could not even present their own idea through the internet, for instance, an individul can accuse US president and his speech would not be deleted by governemnt and his personal safety is guaranteed.

On the other hand, Chinese government has its very long history of censorship, besides that people who wrote something bad about the government may be in personal danger, the most recent example is Xia Bo Liu, who wrote a petition about the reform of political structure in China was sent to jail for 11 years with the verdict of endangering the state power.

Since people who are living in China are only able to open the web that the Chinese government allows (they won't know there is such wide area outside the control and also they might not interest in), and those the government prohabited are mostly in English which are not easily readable by most Chinese people, these two reasons give the ease to Chinese government to control the internet. But in any event, the first point that the spokesman given is untrue.

Secondly, the Chinese government is willing to develop the internet in China. This is also partially true. As a moden country, China has its own national security to concern, it needs to develop its moden technology to defend its safety, the rightness of doing so is no doubt. However, meanwhile, the development of moden technology does not improve the freedom of its people but has become more advanced way to control the mind of its people. For instance, Chinese government will require all the new computer purchased to be installed a spy software in advance in order to identify the location of people who are using that computer in the next few months (or in the near future); also, if someone wants to post something with so called sensitive words would be, in most case, automatically blocked, and those sensitive words could be very widely defined including the name of current and ex-leaders of Communist-party, those who are trying to use these words have to put a lot of *%#@$%^^ between every word. Are the people able to use US president's name in USA? This kind of joke can only exist in Communism Country (may be some religion-based countries, they are actually no difference as Communism is also one type of religions) while the government says it is willing to develop the internet.

Thirdly, the internet in China is open. I can only say he who says that is absolutely cheeky. Can Chinese people from China access to, or by normal way? Not a chance. As a tradition, communist party is always telling the lies regardless what people hear and see.

As usual, the foreign ministry and all other departments of China are not telling the truth, they are just living in all the lies, without those lies, without those speech control, without those internet restriction, they cannot even live one day longer. That is the truth of constitutional rights in China. The fact is google is going to join a combat with a lie-maker, which is not easy.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Google's Decision

I saw news about google is going to pull out of China, saying that there were massive attacks from Chinese hackers from China, whose target is mainly the human rights activists' gmail account and also it has been sick of the information censoring requirement by China. On the other hand, the chief architect of Baidu, who has nearly 60% of the market share in China and has very close relationship with China government, said the decison of google is not because of the reason given by google but some financial problems, and then he said the statement given by google made him sick.

For me, I think it does not really matter if google's quit is because of political reason or not, what I concern is the fact that if China government controls the information or not. The answer is a big YES.

In China or any other China-like countries, the information control is very strict, it commonly named as censorship. With the developing of moden technology and internet, on the one hand, China has more than 340 million people online instead of 10 million a decade ago, on the other hand, those 340 million now and 10 million before, can only have those information that the government allows, in this extent, people can have no more than what traditional newspaper and state-run media provide, as matter of fact, this is not the essence of internet. The reason we call internet as WWW is because we consider the information there should be world wide, though there may have some indecent and improper things there as well. So, what China, as a powerful country, should do is to minimise the negative results by using its superpower instead to cut the throat of the internet.

When I was in China, the internet control was such boldly, the government did not give any reason, if people tried to open, let's say, BBC, what the IE displayed was just, "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage", something like loosing connection. I heard some friends who are currently in China, said, what the gorvernment does now is much smarter than before. China announces that it is going to tidy up the whole internet (in China of course), the target is for all those bad things in web, such like porn,and understandablly, anti-socialism and anti-state information. My understanding is, what the government does is trying to tighten the control of internet, it may close some porn webs and BT downloading websits, but what it really wants is to close and delete some unacceptable (in the eyes of the Party)information. Google would display something like "the web could not be open due to the local regulation" if people try to open, let's say, BBC again. It is funny, but it is almost certain, the RULE OF LAW.

I had experience about 10 days ago while I post an article in my blog in, a famous webside in China, talking about the unfair practice by internet provider in China, at the end of that article I added few words about free speech, after 2 or 3 days later it was deleted by someone unknown though I was told since I was very little that I have constitutional right to present my idea freely. Was it amazing? This is the reason why I open this space here.

I would suggest google, pulling out is not a good choice, since as a commercial company, besides considering profits there are many other things need to be giving a thought, for instance, fairness, justice and democracy as universally recognised.







大约十年前,我还在中国,看了一些科技性的书和文章,其中有一些介绍上网的,记得中国当时的宣传是ADSL上网是一种临时性的上网技术最终要被光纤所取代的,并说对于ADSL来说最大上限是8MB,据说是由于铜线的性质决定的。估且不论这个话的对错,反正当时是信以为真了,也非常开心自已家里能用上256KB的ADSL(Wooo, amazing),好满足了。打电话给美国的亲戚,听说他们也在用DSL,觉得中国挺先进了。


在英国,最先使用的是一家叫Telewest的cable,不知道这算不算是中国所谓的光纤,反正也不觉得有多快,当然了,对刚从中国去的我来说是风驰电掣了,4MB,然后又免费加快到8MB,用了一年,因为后来住的地方没有cable,于是只能申请电话公司的ADSL,当时好沮丧的,因为心想这是一种要过时的技术那么肯定不会有之前用的cable上网好,但也只能将就。等了十天左右,通了,可以上网了,收到上网的Modem router,一用,还不错,也挺快,理论上有8MB,实际有大约5--6MB,我下载通常都是600--800的速度,下一部HD电影(如果是10GB)大概6到7个小时,而普通的RMVB之类的(如果是700mb)也就是几十分钟的事。这样的速度够不够给绝大多数中国百姓用?

大约三四年前,英国有些网络公司开始了更快的网络服务,但仍然是ADSL,有20MB。这个时候我开始糊涂了,不是说ADSL只能最快到8MB吗,怎么这里就可以变成20MB了,难道外国的ADSL就比中国的快吗?而且用的Modem router是兼容的,20MB可以用的8MB也可以用,也就是说它们用的只是一种升级而非不同的技术,不是由ADSL变成了光纤,仍然是ADSL。不用改或增加线路,不用把路挖开,也不用再在墙上打多一个洞。就算20MB是ADSL技术的极限,最起码能保证大多数用户的需要了。英国不是中国,不是只有一间两间同宗同源的上网公司,这里有几十家大大小小的公司提供上网服务虽然用的都是British Telecom的电话线。每个公司价钱不同,服务不同,人们可以选择自已需要的购买。我用过最贵的是AOL的ADSL,30英镑一个月(大约四年前),最便宜的是Orange(因为我有他们公司的手机),5英镑一个月。现在普遍也就是个8,9镑这个样子,8MB。随合同附送无线modem router一个。

中国的情况是什么呢?1000多块一年,用的是2MB的速度,还只送一个modem (各个地区可能情况不尽相同),如果要分线的话还要另买一个路由器。要知道8英镑一个月,一年也就是大约1000多块人民币,英国提供的是8MB和一个made in China的 无线Modem router,大家试想一下中国电信(之流)的利润率有多高。随着大批BT下载网站的关门,2MB的速度不够上网看个新闻用吗?用PS3联网打个Call of Duty有个2MB也能用的不错了,试问在中国的网站上看个VCD质量的在线电影要什么速度?我觉得2MB够了,反正在中国也没有freely accessable information这回事。或者说,4MB,8MB,那是一定一定够了的。在网上用着2mb的张三李四叫着要升级到4MB的,有没有想过,那怕给你8MB,你有什么用?就为了下载个电影?如果只是上个网看看新闻的话,我的感觉是2mb和8mb没有什么区别的。重要的是,你的2MB有没有给足你,如果你确定你真的有2mb的话,那么上网速度应当是不会慢了。所以这些在每天叫着要想要升级的同志们,你们要做的不是一如继往的投钱给中国电信(之流)去升级,而是,要么投诉要求提供与你所支付的价格一样的服务(治标),要么起来推翻这个政府引进自由市场(治本)。


我在英国的手机是签合同按月给钱的,每个月30镑(合人民币现在,大概350),这个是所谓的月租吧,但是这个30镑不是白给的,电话公司第一年给我每个月600分钟的免费通话时间另加一个手机,从第二年开始,这个电话公司说因为我已经跟他们有了一年的合同了,所以希望我可以继续使用他们的服务,于是,现在每个月25英镑(约合人民币280),在原有的600分钟之外又送我2000分钟的免费时间,请注意是2000不是200,而且是any time any network,另加新手机一个。在国外10年了,从来没听说过接电话要钱的,这也算是有中国特色的了。

当我们用着比西方国家还要昂贵的上网费用的时候,当我们用着垃圾一样的服务的时候,当我们面对着一个上网发个贴子都有可能被删除的网络的时候,我们能说什么呢?政府说,我们的上网费为什么这么贵,因为我们的运营成本与别的国家不一样;政府说,我们的服务为什么这么垃圾,因为我们地大物博人太多,不可能面面俱到;政府说,为什么发个贴子都有可能被删除,因为你们这些国民素质太差。总之一句话,这些都是根据中国国情来的。That is really a fucking good excuse.凡是与别的国家(不论发达与否)不一致的地方,都是因为国情不同。这是理由吗?但是谁让我们穷得只能养得起一个党呢?所以我写了这么多其实也就是无聊郁闷,因为当我们生活在一个政府(或准政府)收费与发达国家看齐,而收入只有发展中国家的水平,而且这种不合理竟然还可以被合理的解释成为是有中国特色的并且符合中国国情的时候,难道我也学刘晓波一样去写一个第几宪章吗?君不见,斯人已被判刑了,十一年。颇有满清蚊子肉的味道,以言入人罪,看来也是有中国特色的了。有人曾经问毛主席如果鲁迅还活着的话会怎么样,毛主席说,他要么闭嘴要么在坐牢。几十年过去了,蚊子肉还是蚊子肉,不过从之前的爆炒改成了小火炖,前者世人皆知(例如三家店),后者只有BBC知道。






当我们生活在被严重污染的环境中的时候,当我们面对着腐败无可奈何的时候,当我们感叹着社会不公的时候,当我们发现整个国家是如此功利的时候,BBC记者给三鹿奶粉作长篇报道的结尾词就是一个很好的解释--- And yet again China's government has failed in a most basic duty - to provide safe food for its people. (中国政府再一次没有履行其作为一个政府最最基本的责任—为它的人民提供安全的食品)。[1]


[1] 以前在中国读中学,读到政治课中关于资本主义剩余价值的时候,我们的政治老师,也是学校的书记,说,马克思主义的书在英国美国是不能读的,因为读的人和出版的人都是要被关起来的,当时信以为真,直到自已到了国外,读了国外的政治经济方面的书才发现,此事大谬。但是我所引用的这个BBC的报道,却真的在中国是看不到的。 不信的可以试试。